GOLD 🡒 Hong Kong BINリスト



フラグ コード 名前 数値 Latitude 経度
HK Hong Kong 344 22.396428 114.109497

GOLD 🡒 Hong Kong : IIN / BINリスト

BIN ネットワーク会社 カードの種類 カードレベル
44238218 VISA credit GOLD
49660409 VISA credit GOLD
54029080 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
49660429 VISA credit GOLD
45395027 VISA credit GOLD
49660481 VISA credit GOLD
49660457 VISA credit GOLD
54180192 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
489969 VISA credit GOLD
45607933 VISA credit GOLD
42706210 VISA credit GOLD
49660453 VISA credit GOLD
42706218 VISA credit GOLD
54082038 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
45607955 VISA credit GOLD
49660477 VISA credit GOLD
44530401 VISA credit GOLD
43865957 VISA credit GOLD
45607975 VISA credit GOLD
54180193 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
44238253 VISA credit GOLD
49660430 VISA credit GOLD
54029066 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
45395000 VISA credit GOLD
44238222 VISA credit GOLD
45607915 VISA credit GOLD
45607935 VISA credit GOLD
45607997 VISA credit GOLD
54029099 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
45395036 VISA credit GOLD
42706228 VISA credit GOLD
42706236 VISA credit GOLD
44576402 VISA credit GOLD
54029049 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
455272 VISA credit GOLD
45607918 VISA credit GOLD
54082039 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
44238267 VISA credit GOLD
45607989 VISA credit GOLD
44238210 VISA credit GOLD
44238230 VISA credit GOLD
44238214 VISA credit GOLD
44238284 VISA credit GOLD
45395092 VISA credit GOLD
54029060 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
42706209 VISA credit GOLD
42706229 VISA credit GOLD
45607910 VISA credit GOLD
44238226 VISA credit GOLD
54082010 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
54082018 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
540954 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
54029085 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
49660452 VISA credit GOLD
49660407 VISA credit GOLD
49660428 VISA credit GOLD
49660427 VISA credit GOLD
49660478 VISA credit GOLD
45395013 VISA credit GOLD
49660454 VISA credit GOLD
45607996 VISA credit GOLD
43865956 VISA credit GOLD
44238295 VISA credit GOLD
45607954 VISA credit GOLD
45395033 VISA credit GOLD
54029088 MASTERCARD credit GOLD
44238251 VISA credit GOLD
45395077 VISA credit GOLD
45395012 VISA credit GOLD
45607988 VISA credit GOLD

2955 IIN / BINの詳細 ...

GOLD 🡒 Hong Kong : 国

Hong Kong (571 BINs)

GOLD 🡒 Hong Kong : 銀行からのBINのリスト

Hongkong And Shanghai Banking Corp., Ltd. (100 BINs 見つけた) Chong Hing Bank, Ltd. (98 BINs 見つけた) Hsbc (97 BINs 見つけた) WING HANG BANK, LTD. (61 BINs 見つけた)
Industrial And Commercial Bank Of China Asia), Ltd. (60 BINs 見つけた) Dbs Bank (hong Kong), Ltd. (58 BINs 見つけた) Bank Of East Asia, Ltd. (34 BINs 見つけた) Icba Bancard (7 BINs 見つけた)
Citibank (hong Kong), Ltd. (4 BINs 見つけた) Bnp Paribas (3 BINs 見つけた) Citic Bank International, Ltd. (3 BINs 見つけた) Baiduri Bank Bhd (2 BINs 見つけた)
Card Services For Credit Unions, Inc. (2 BINs 見つけた) Community Bancservice Corporation (2 BINs 見つけた) Dah Sing Bank, Ltd. (2 BINs 見つけた) Fubon Bank (hong Kong), Ltd. (2 BINs 見つけた)
Hang Seng Bank, Ltd. (2 BINs 見つけた) Hongkong And Shanghai Banking Corporation, Ltd. (2 BINs 見つけた) Its Bank (2 BINs 見つけた) Rockland F.c.u. (2 BINs 見つけた)
Aeon Credit Service (asia) Co., Ltd. (1 BINs 見つけた) Aig Finance (hong Kong), Ltd. (1 BINs 見つけた) Bank Of Communications (1 BINs 見つけた) Bulbank, Ltd. (1 BINs 見つけた)
First Commonwealth Bank (1 BINs 見つけた) First Premier Bank (1 BINs 見つけた) Germantown Federal Savings Bank (1 BINs 見つけた) Jack Henry And Associates, Inc. (1 BINs 見つけた)
Merrimack Valley F.c.u. (1 BINs 見つけた) New England Bankcard Association, Inc. (1 BINs 見つけた) Peoples Bank (1 BINs 見つけた) Public Bank (hong Kong), Ltd. (1 BINs 見つけた)
STANDARD CHARTERED BANK (1 BINs 見つけた) Savings Bank Of Utica (1 BINs 見つけた) Shanghai Commercial Bank, Ltd. (1 BINs 見つけた) Standard Chartered Bank (hong Kong), Ltd. (1 BINs 見つけた)
State Bank Of India (1 BINs 見つけた) U.s. Bank N.a. Nd (1 BINs 見つけた) WING LUNG BANK, LTD. (1 BINs 見つけた) Wing Hang Bank, Ltd. (1 BINs 見つけた)

GOLD 🡒 Hong Kong : カードネットワーク

VISA (446 BINs 見つけた) MASTERCARD (125 BINs 見つけた)

GOLD 🡒 Hong Kong : カードの種類

credit (570 BINs 見つけた) debit (1 BINs 見つけた)