Credit card 🡒 Arab Bank Plc BIN List

Table of Contents

Credit card 🡒 Arab Bank Plc : IIN / BIN List

BIN Network Company Card Type Card Level
45859271 VISA credit SIGNATURE
452538 VISA credit STANDARD
45859279 VISA credit SIGNATURE
474740 VISA credit PLATINUM
474731 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
432586 VISA credit GOLD
474739 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
458591 VISA credit PLATINUM
452541 VISA credit GOLD
432582 VISA credit PLATINUM
432594 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
458589 VISA credit PLATINUM
474716 VISA credit GOLD PREMIUM
432595 VISA credit GOLD
474730 VISA credit PLATINUM
45859275 VISA credit SIGNATURE
432596 VISA credit STANDARD
45859276 VISA credit SIGNATURE
452539 VISA credit STANDARD
432597 VISA credit STANDARD
432533 VISA credit GOLD PREMIUM
45859170 VISA credit SIGNATURE
432583 VISA credit PLATINUM
47474072 VISA credit SIGNATURE
474735 VISA credit PLATINUM
47474076 VISA credit SIGNATURE
474732 VISA credit GOLD
47474071 VISA credit SIGNATURE
474704 VISA credit PLATINUM
432598 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
458590 VISA credit PLATINUM
432592 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
432580 VISA credit PLATINUM
47474077 VISA credit SIGNATURE
474703 VISA credit PLATINUM
47474070 VISA credit SIGNATURE
474719 VISA credit STANDARD
432511 VISA credit CLASSIC
45859174 VISA credit SIGNATURE
45859178 VISA credit SIGNATURE
432591 VISA credit STANDARD
474720 VISA credit STANDARD
432532 VISA credit GOLD PREMIUM
432581 VISA credit PLATINUM
47474078 VISA credit SIGNATURE
452540 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45859173 VISA credit SIGNATURE
417081 VISA credit STANDARD
47474075 VISA credit SIGNATURE
474736 VISA credit PLATINUM
45859175 VISA credit SIGNATURE
45859277 VISA credit SIGNATURE
474702 VISA credit PLATINUM
45859172 VISA credit SIGNATURE
45859270 VISA credit SIGNATURE
432593 VISA credit GOLD
47474074 VISA credit SIGNATURE
432599 VISA credit GOLD
45859278 VISA credit SIGNATURE
432589 VISA credit STANDARD
474722 VISA credit STANDARD
474701 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45859177 VISA credit SIGNATURE
45859171 VISA credit SIGNATURE
474721 VISA credit STANDARD
432537 VISA credit CLASSIC
432588 VISA credit GOLD
45859274 VISA credit SIGNATURE
474715 VISA credit CLASSIC
474723 VISA credit STANDARD

6878 more IIN / BIN ...

Credit card 🡒 Arab Bank Plc : Countries

Jordan (29 BINs) Bahrain (15 BINs) Qatar (15 BINs) Palestinian Territory (5 BINs)
Yemen (4 BINs) Lebanon (3 BINs) United Arab Emirates (3 BINs) Cyprus (2 BINs)
Egypt (2 BINs) Greece (2 BINs) Morocco (2 BINs)

Credit card 🡒 Arab Bank Plc : List of BINs from Banks

Arab Bank Plc (82 BINs found)

Credit card 🡒 Arab Bank Plc : Card Networks

VISA (82 BINs found)

Credit card 🡒 Arab Bank Plc : Card Brands

signature (30 BINs found) platinum (17 BINs found) standard (14 BINs found) traditional (8 BINs found)
gold (7 BINs found) classic (3 BINs found) gold premium (3 BINs found)