BUSINESS 🡒 South Africa BINリスト



フラグ コード 名前 数値 Latitude 経度
ZA South Africa 710 -30.559482 22.937506

BUSINESS 🡒 South Africa : IIN / BINリスト

BIN ネットワーク会社 カードの種類 カードレベル
46126599 VISA debit BUSINESS
44166649 VISA debit BUSINESS
46126450 VISA debit BUSINESS
44166696 VISA debit BUSINESS
44892767 VISA credit BUSINESS
44892763 VISA credit BUSINESS
412506 VISA debit BUSINESS
44893294 VISA credit BUSINESS
485442 VISA debit BUSINESS
44893322 VISA credit BUSINESS
44893258 VISA credit BUSINESS
456553 VISA credit BUSINESS
413456 VISA credit BUSINESS
44893282 VISA credit BUSINESS
422254 VISA credit BUSINESS
44170652 VISA debit BUSINESS
44893222 VISA credit BUSINESS
46124352 VISA debit BUSINESS
44166675 VISA debit BUSINESS
44166683 VISA debit BUSINESS
46126547 VISA debit BUSINESS
44697587 VISA debit BUSINESS
44697595 VISA debit BUSINESS
45494303 VISA credit BUSINESS
44170628 VISA debit BUSINESS
44893323 VISA credit BUSINESS
44893327 VISA credit BUSINESS
46126559 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170612 VISA debit BUSINESS
44166724 VISA debit BUSINESS
46126590 VISA debit BUSINESS
44893200 VISA credit BUSINESS
44893228 VISA credit BUSINESS
422824 VISA credit BUSINESS
44170610 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170622 VISA debit BUSINESS
44892764 VISA credit BUSINESS
46126583 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170637 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170649 VISA debit BUSINESS
44893243 VISA credit BUSINESS
417290 VISA credit BUSINESS
44166699 VISA debit BUSINESS
44893267 VISA credit BUSINESS
44166726 VISA debit BUSINESS
448373 VISA credit BUSINESS
46126566 VISA debit BUSINESS
44166687 VISA debit BUSINESS
44166658 VISA debit BUSINESS
46126576 VISA debit BUSINESS
44893283 VISA credit BUSINESS
422825 VISA credit BUSINESS
467846 VISA debit BUSINESS
424518 VISA credit BUSINESS
46126555 VISA debit BUSINESS
44893281 VISA credit BUSINESS
44893227 VISA credit BUSINESS
44893223 VISA credit BUSINESS
44893264 VISA credit BUSINESS
44697588 VISA debit BUSINESS
44893244 VISA credit BUSINESS
44893277 VISA credit BUSINESS
46126567 VISA debit BUSINESS
44893324 VISA credit BUSINESS
44170589 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170650 VISA debit BUSINESS
44166682 VISA debit BUSINESS
44166677 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170609 VISA debit BUSINESS
44166721 VISA debit BUSINESS

3600 IIN / BINの詳細 ...

BUSINESS 🡒 South Africa : 国

South Africa (475 BINs)

BUSINESS 🡒 South Africa : 銀行からのBINのリスト

National City Bank (173 BINs 見つけた) Banco Elca, S.a. (73 BINs 見つけた) Bank Of America (24 BINs 見つけた) Firstrand Bank, Ltd. (7 BINs 見つけた)
Absa Group, Ltd. (6 BINs 見つけた) Bank Of America, N.a. (6 BINs 見つけた) Mitsubishi Ufj Financial Group, Inc. (4 BINs 見つけた) Nedbank, Ltd. (4 BINs 見つけた)
Mercantile Bank, Ltd. (3 BINs 見つけた) Absa Bank, Ltd. (2 BINs 見つけた) NEDBANK, LTD. (2 BINs 見つけた) ABSA BANK, LTD. (1 BINs 見つけた)
Banco Popular De Puerto Rico (1 BINs 見つけた) Bankcard Service Japan Co., Ltd. (1 BINs 見つけた) Bidvest Bank (1 BINs 見つけた) FIRST TENNESSEE BANK, N.A. (1 BINs 見つけた)
Interbank (1 BINs 見つけた) Investec (1 BINs 見つけた) Investec Bank, Ltd. (1 BINs 見つけた) M And I (marshall And Ilsley) Bank (1 BINs 見つけた)
Nedcor Bank, Ltd. (1 BINs 見つけた) Rand Merchant Bank (1 BINs 見つけた) Standard Bank Of South Africa (1 BINs 見つけた) Standard Bank Of South Africa, Ltd. (1 BINs 見つけた)

BUSINESS 🡒 South Africa : カードネットワーク

VISA (468 BINs 見つけた) MASTERCARD (7 BINs 見つけた)

BUSINESS 🡒 South Africa : カードの種類

debit (272 BINs 見つけた) credit (203 BINs 見つけた)