2. Numéros de BIN typiques - BUSINESS 🡒 Antigua and Barbuda
3. Pays - BUSINESS 🡒 Antigua and Barbuda
4. Toutes les banques - BUSINESS 🡒 Antigua and Barbuda
Indicateur | Code | Nom | Numérique | Latitude | Longitude |
AG | Antigua and Barbuda | 028 | 17.060816 | -61.796428 |
BIN | Réseau Entreprise | Type de carte | Niveau de carte |
430927 | VISA | debit | BUSINESS |
434778 | VISA | debit | BUSINESS |
473128 | VISA | credit | BUSINESS |
448709 | VISA | credit | BUSINESS |
434781 | VISA | debit | BUSINESS |
484641 | VISA | credit | BUSINESS |
499975 | VISA | credit | BUSINESS |
491620 | VISA | credit | BUSINESS |
547644 | MASTERCARD | credit | BUSINESS |
446429 | VISA | credit | BUSINESS |
443930 | VISA | credit | BUSINESS |
430950 | VISA | credit | BUSINESS |
3374 plus IIN / BIN ...
Firstcaribbean International Bank (barbados), Ltd. (4 BINs trouvé) | Abi Bank, Ltd. (1 BINs trouvé) | Bank Of Antigua (1 BINs trouvé) | Bank Of Antigua, Ltd. (1 BINs trouvé) |
Caribbean Credit Card Corporation (1 BINs trouvé) | Eastern Caribbean Amalgamated Bank, Ltd. (1 BINs trouvé) |
VISA (11 BINs trouvé) | MASTERCARD (1 BINs trouvé) |