BIN 44795923

VISA credit card (PLATINUM level) issued by Its Bank in Ukraine

Card Information

IIN / BIN Length Required Prepaid Commercial Network Company Card Type Card Level Currency
44795923 16 false false VISA credit PLATINUM UAH

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Bank Issuer Information

Name Website Phone City
Its Bank

Country Issuer Information

Flag Code Name Numeric Latitude Longitude
UA Ukraine 804 48.379433 31.16558

** This is public data. It may be outdated. Try Premium BIN Checker for new, accurate BIN database.

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The necessity of having a good BIN Checker

With a specific end goal to lessen the general risk, BIN ranges for charge cards are utilized to keep every card number one of a kind. Whether it's AMEX, Discover, MasterCard, or Visa, they all use this framework. Truth be told, most organizations processing any card; credit, debit, gift, prepaid, or store charge card, would heavily exploit a BIN range checker for security measurement.

For a bigger organization, data fraud can transform a respectable site into a negative one overnight. Remember the Home Depot data breach ? For a smaller business, all it takes is a few buyers charging back a few purchase transactions, eventually costing the business countless time and financial losses to recover... and that's saying if they can recover from the damange.

Store owners often stress over fraudulent activities of stolen cards and fake transactions. BIN checker for payment cards can significantly lessen this risk. In case you're an online entrepreneur, all it takes is a little programming and establishment. The framework will take the necessary automatic steps naturally, so don't stress over it being a manual procedure.

44795923 VISA credit Ukraine UA BIN List