2. Khas BIN Nomer - Antigua and Barbuda (AG) 🡒 charge kertu
3. Kabeh Bank - Antigua and Barbuda (AG) 🡒 charge kertu
4. Jaringan Kartu - Antigua and Barbuda (AG) 🡒 charge kertu
Flag | Code | Jeneng | numerik | Latitude | Bujur |
AG | Antigua and Barbuda | 028 | 17.060816 | -61.796428 |
BIN | Network Company | Card Koleksi | Level Card |
45513621 | VISA | charge | GOLD |
455138 | VISA | charge | TRADITIONAL |
455136 | VISA | charge | NULL |
451351 | VISA | charge | NULL |
455139 | VISA | charge | TRADITIONAL |
45135148 | VISA | charge | TRADITIONAL |
45135118 | VISA | charge | TRADITIONAL |
498 liyane Iin / BIN ...
American International Bank (3 BINs ketemu) | SWISS AMERICAN BANK (3 BINs ketemu) | Swiss American Bank (1 BINs ketemu) |
VISA (7 BINs ketemu) |
charge (7 BINs ketemu) |
traditional (4 BINs ketemu) | null (2 BINs ketemu) | gold (1 BINs ketemu) |