South African rand (ZAR) 🡒 BUSINESS BIN List

Table of Contents

South African rand (ZAR) 🡒 BUSINESS : IIN / BIN List

BIN Network Company Card Type Card Level
45479795 VISA debit BUSINESS
44892767 VISA credit BUSINESS
46124366 VISA debit BUSINESS
44893266 VISA credit BUSINESS
44893326 VISA credit BUSINESS
46124346 VISA debit BUSINESS
44893250 VISA credit BUSINESS
44166698 VISA debit BUSINESS
44893242 VISA credit BUSINESS
46124354 VISA debit BUSINESS
44892781 VISA credit BUSINESS
44892769 VISA credit BUSINESS
460001 VISA debit BUSINESS
44166667 VISA debit BUSINESS
46124365 VISA debit BUSINESS
410589 VISA debit BUSINESS
45494303 VISA credit BUSINESS
460076 VISA debit BUSINESS
44166699 VISA debit BUSINESS
44892751 VISA credit BUSINESS
44893220 VISA credit BUSINESS
44893224 VISA credit BUSINESS
44893320 VISA credit BUSINESS
44893308 VISA credit BUSINESS
44893292 VISA credit BUSINESS
44170661 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170656 VISA debit BUSINESS
44892753 VISA credit BUSINESS
44170598 VISA debit BUSINESS
46124351 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170646 VISA debit BUSINESS
44166688 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170617 VISA debit BUSINESS
46124344 VISA debit BUSINESS
455077 VISA debit BUSINESS
44166718 VISA debit BUSINESS
422254 VISA credit BUSINESS
46126565 VISA debit BUSINESS
44166677 VISA debit BUSINESS
44166673 VISA debit BUSINESS
44893225 VISA credit BUSINESS
44893309 VISA credit BUSINESS
44892780 VISA credit BUSINESS
46126552 VISA debit BUSINESS
44893325 VISA credit BUSINESS
491050 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170625 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170597 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170609 VISA debit BUSINESS
457023 VISA credit BUSINESS
46124360 VISA debit BUSINESS
44893223 VISA credit BUSINESS
44166660 VISA debit BUSINESS
44166655 VISA debit BUSINESS
44166696 VISA debit BUSINESS
46126547 VISA debit BUSINESS
46124356 VISA debit BUSINESS
44893322 VISA credit BUSINESS
44893293 VISA credit BUSINESS
44166678 VISA debit BUSINESS
44893238 VISA credit BUSINESS
427701 VISA credit BUSINESS
44893241 VISA credit BUSINESS
44166691 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170655 VISA debit BUSINESS
44697596 VISA debit BUSINESS
45494287 VISA credit BUSINESS
46124343 VISA debit BUSINESS
44170606 VISA debit BUSINESS
44893269 VISA credit BUSINESS

654 more IIN / BIN ...

South African rand (ZAR) 🡒 BUSINESS : Countries

South Africa (475 BINs)

South African rand (ZAR) 🡒 BUSINESS : List of BINs from Banks

National City Bank (173 BINs found) Banco Elca, S.a. (73 BINs found) Bank Of America (24 BINs found) Firstrand Bank, Ltd. (7 BINs found)
Absa Group, Ltd. (6 BINs found) Bank Of America, N.a. (6 BINs found) Mitsubishi Ufj Financial Group, Inc. (4 BINs found) Nedbank, Ltd. (4 BINs found)
Mercantile Bank, Ltd. (3 BINs found) Absa Bank, Ltd. (2 BINs found) NEDBANK, LTD. (2 BINs found) ABSA BANK, LTD. (1 BINs found)
Banco Popular De Puerto Rico (1 BINs found) Bankcard Service Japan Co., Ltd. (1 BINs found) Bidvest Bank (1 BINs found) FIRST TENNESSEE BANK, N.A. (1 BINs found)
Interbank (1 BINs found) Investec (1 BINs found) Investec Bank, Ltd. (1 BINs found) M And I (marshall And Ilsley) Bank (1 BINs found)
Nedcor Bank, Ltd. (1 BINs found) Rand Merchant Bank (1 BINs found) Standard Bank Of South Africa (1 BINs found) Standard Bank Of South Africa, Ltd. (1 BINs found)

South African rand (ZAR) 🡒 BUSINESS : Card Networks

VISA (468 BINs found) MASTERCARD (7 BINs found)

South African rand (ZAR) 🡒 BUSINESS : Card Types

debit (272 BINs found) credit (203 BINs found)

South African rand (ZAR) 🡒 BUSINESS : Card Brands

business (475 BINs found)