VISA 🡒 Costa Rica BIN List

Table of Contents

Country Issuer Information

Flag Code Name Numeric Latitude Longitude
CR Costa Rica 188 9.748917 -83.753428

VISA 🡒 Costa Rica : IIN / BIN List

BIN Network Company Card Type Card Level
45172315 VISA debit NULL
45170894 VISA credit SIGNATURE
45170873 VISA credit INFINITE
441748 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
484711 VISA credit PREMIER
45172415 VISA credit NULL
45379267 VISA credit BUSINESS
45172302 VISA credit NULL
44159026 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
437993 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
409605 VISA credit STANDARD
45172386 VISA charge TRADITIONAL
45408588 VISA debit TRADITIONAL
45179042 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45172349 VISA credit NULL
44158220 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
44158200 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45379252 VISA credit BUSINESS
44159031 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
498454 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45170908 VISA credit BUSINESS
45172650 VISA credit BUSINESS
45170719 VISA credit PLATINUM
46387474 VISA debit TRADITIONAL
45172425 VISA credit PLATINUM
493190 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45179029 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45172595 VISA credit BUSINESS
45170918 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
493144 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
462980 VISA credit GOLD PREMIUM
45172548 VISA debit NULL
45170980 VISA credit BUSINESS
45379255 VISA credit BUSINESS
45172608 VISA credit BUSINESS
493823 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45172380 VISA debit NULL
465564 VISA credit BUSINESS
45172447 VISA debit TRADITIONAL
45172736 VISA debit GOLD
478791 VISA debit CLASSIC
44173269 VISA credit PLATINUM
451417 VISA credit PURCHASING
45379273 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44159210 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
44170857 VISA debit TRADITIONAL
45178928 VISA debit TRADITIONAL
45178911 VISA credit NULL
439170 VISA credit CORPORATE
44158306 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45172445 VISA credit SIGNATURE
45379246 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
451119 VISA credit NULL
45179051 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45111599 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
431069 VISA credit CLASSIC
478925 VISA credit PLATINUM
45179063 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45179083 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45179087 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
44158255 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
45379303 VISA credit SIGNATURE
44170851 VISA debit TRADITIONAL
451710 VISA credit NULL
44170710 VISA debit TRADITIONAL
45178759 VISA credit BUSINESS
45172626 VISA credit BUSINESS
45172647 VISA credit BUSINESS

5714 more IIN / BIN ...

VISA 🡒 Costa Rica : Countries

Costa Rica (1030 BINs)

VISA 🡒 Costa Rica : List of BINs from Banks

Banco Popular Y De Desarrollo Comunal (133 BINs found) Aval Card (costa Rica), S.a. (114 BINs found) Inversiones Fedeban, S.a. (92 BINs found) Bank Of Nova Scotia (80 BINs found)
Caribbean Commercial Bank (anguilla), Ltd. (59 BINs found) Ath Costa Rica, S.a. (43 BINs found) Banco Elca, S.a. (38 BINs found) Banco Del Istmo (costa Rica), S.a. (30 BINs found)
Banco De Costa Rica (24 BINs found) Banco Promerica De Costa Rica, S.a. (20 BINs found) F And M Bank - Winchester (20 BINs found) Banco Nacional De Costa Rica (18 BINs found)
Banco Citibank De Costa Rica, S.a. (16 BINs found) Banco Del Bajio, S.a. (15 BINs found) Banco Lafise, S.a. (14 BINs found) Banco Hsbc (costa Rica), S.a. (10 BINs found)
Scotiabank De Costa Rica, S.a. (10 BINs found) Vales Intercontinentales, S.a. (10 BINs found) Banco Credito Agricola De Cartago (8 BINs found) Cititarjetas De Costa Rica, S.a. (8 BINs found)
La Federation Des Caisses Desjardins Du Quebec (8 BINs found) Banca Promerica, S.a. (7 BINs found) Banco Banex, S.a. (7 BINs found) American Bank (6 BINs found)
Tarjetas Bct, S.a. (6 BINs found) BANCO POPULAR Y DE DESARROLLO COMUNAL (5 BINs found) Banco Cathay De Costa Rica, S.a. (5 BINs found) Banco Cuscatlan De Costa Rica, S.a. (5 BINs found)
Banco Improsa, S.a. (5 BINs found) First Financial Bank, N.a. (5 BINs found) Banco General (costa Rica), S.a. (4 BINs found) Banco Uno, S.a. (4 BINs found)
Bancolombia, S.a. (3 BINs found) CB DIALOG-OPTIM (3 BINs found) INVERSIONES FEDEBAN, S.A. (3 BINs found) Tarjetas Bfa, S.a. (3 BINs found)
Teller, A.s. (3 BINs found) AVAL CARD (COSTA RICA), S.A. (2 BINs found) Banco Bac San Jose, S.a. (2 BINs found) Banco Gerencial And Fiduciario Dominicano, S.a. (2 BINs found)
Banco Interfin, S.a. (2 BINs found) Bicsacard, S.a. (2 BINs found) Charles Schwab Bank (2 BINs found) ATH COSTA RICA, S.A. (1 BINs found)
BANCO DE COSTA RICA (1 BINs found) Bac International Bank (1 BINs found) Banco Bantec Cq, S.a. (1 BINs found) Banco Promerica (1 BINs found)
Bancodecostarica (1 BINs found) Banex Inversiones, S.a. (1 BINs found) CITIZENS BANK OF CANADA / VANCOUVER CITY SAVINGS C.U. (1 BINs found) Citibank International (1 BINs found)
Credix Internacional, S.a. (1 BINs found) Crest, S.a. (1 BINs found) Inversiones Itsmicas Bancrecen, S.a. (1 BINs found) JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A. (1 BINs found)
M AND T BANK, N.A. (1 BINs found) Metroban, S.a. (1 BINs found) Procard De Costa Rica, S.a. (1 BINs found) Prosix, S.a. (1 BINs found)
Tecnicard, Inc. (1 BINs found) Visa Norge A/s (1 BINs found) Wells Fargo Bank, N.a. (1 BINs found)

VISA 🡒 Costa Rica : Card Types

credit (795 BINs found) debit (215 BINs found) charge (20 BINs found)

VISA 🡒 Costa Rica : Card Brands

traditional (465 BINs found) business (143 BINs found) null (85 BINs found) signature (75 BINs found)
gold (74 BINs found) platinum (56 BINs found) infinite (37 BINs found) classic (29 BINs found)
standard (25 BINs found) electron (14 BINs found) gold premium (9 BINs found) corporate (8 BINs found)
purchasing (8 BINs found) corporate t e (1 BINs found) premier (1 BINs found)