New Taiwan dollar (TWD) 🡒 SIGNATURE BIN List


New Taiwan dollar (TWD) 🡒 SIGNATURE : Iin / BIN List

BIN Network Company Kortin tyyppi Card Level
477787 VISA debit SIGNATURE
42844087 VISA credit SIGNATURE
42844043 VISA credit SIGNATURE
42844047 VISA credit SIGNATURE
42844067 VISA credit SIGNATURE
42844050 VISA credit SIGNATURE
42844026 VISA credit SIGNATURE
42844090 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009520 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009308 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009276 VISA credit SIGNATURE
498713 VISA credit SIGNATURE
42844031 VISA credit SIGNATURE
42844084 VISA credit SIGNATURE
42844044 VISA credit SIGNATURE
467892 VISA credit SIGNATURE
42844068 VISA credit SIGNATURE
42844002 VISA credit SIGNATURE
42844006 VISA credit SIGNATURE
45030709 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009292 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009282 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009261 VISA credit SIGNATURE
42844089 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009274 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009286 VISA credit SIGNATURE
42844005 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009315 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009303 VISA credit SIGNATURE
42844028 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009339 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009327 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009281 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009260 VISA credit SIGNATURE
42844030 VISA credit SIGNATURE
42844081 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009273 VISA credit SIGNATURE
42844034 VISA credit SIGNATURE
461997 VISA credit SIGNATURE
437722 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009257 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009283 VISA credit SIGNATURE
42844065 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48068175 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48068163 VISA credit SIGNATURE
42844048 VISA credit SIGNATURE
42844018 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009302 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009326 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009264 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009256 VISA credit SIGNATURE
42844042 VISA credit SIGNATURE
42844072 VISA credit SIGNATURE
42844062 VISA credit SIGNATURE
42844066 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009244 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009329 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009320 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009293 VISA credit SIGNATURE
42844036 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009263 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009255 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009280 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009285 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009584 VISA credit SIGNATURE
42844061 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009245 VISA credit SIGNATURE
48009321 VISA credit SIGNATURE
471235 VISA credit SIGNATURE
414763 VISA credit SIGNATURE

648 lisää Iin / BIN ...

New Taiwan dollar (TWD) 🡒 SIGNATURE : Maissa

Taiwan (244 BINs)

New Taiwan dollar (TWD) 🡒 SIGNATURE : Luettelo pankkien BINista

Mbna America Bank (111 BINs löydetty) Citibank Taiwan, Ltd. (101 BINs löydetty) Australia And New Zealand Banking Group, Ltd. (4 BINs löydetty) Hsbc Bank (taiwan), Ltd. (3 BINs löydetty)
Bank Sinopac (1 BINs löydetty) Cathay United Bank (1 BINs löydetty) Chinatrust Commercial Bank (1 BINs löydetty) Cosmos Bank, Taiwan (1 BINs löydetty)
E. Sun Commercial Bank, Ltd. (1 BINs löydetty) First Commercial Bank (1 BINs löydetty) Ta Chong Bank, Ltd. (1 BINs löydetty) Taishin International Bank (1 BINs löydetty)
Taiwan Shin Kong Commercial Bank (1 BINs löydetty) Union Bank Of Taiwan (1 BINs löydetty) WELLS FARGO BANK NEVADA, N.A. (1 BINs löydetty)

New Taiwan dollar (TWD) 🡒 SIGNATURE : Korttiverkot

VISA (244 BINs löydetty)

New Taiwan dollar (TWD) 🡒 SIGNATURE : Korttityypit

credit (243 BINs löydetty) debit (1 BINs löydetty)

New Taiwan dollar (TWD) 🡒 SIGNATURE : Korttimerkit

signature (244 BINs löydetty)