Malaysian ringgit (MYR) 🡒 Banco Popular Y De Desarrollo Comunal BIN List

Table of Contents

Malaysian ringgit (MYR) 🡒 Banco Popular Y De Desarrollo Comunal : IIN / BIN List

BIN Network Company Card Type Card Level
44157881 VISA debit GOLD
44157869 VISA debit GOLD
44157868 VISA debit GOLD
44157894 VISA debit GOLD
44158158 VISA credit INFINITE
44157854 VISA debit GOLD
44157803 VISA debit GOLD
44157913 VISA credit GOLD
44157870 VISA debit GOLD
44157855 VISA debit GOLD
44157818 VISA debit GOLD
44157867 VISA debit GOLD
44157927 VISA debit GOLD
44157804 VISA debit GOLD
44157884 VISA debit GOLD
44159195 VISA credit GOLD
44157810 VISA debit GOLD
44157856 VISA debit GOLD
44157891 VISA debit GOLD
44158159 VISA credit INFINITE
44157883 VISA debit GOLD
44158170 VISA credit GOLD
44157832 VISA debit GOLD
44157871 VISA debit GOLD
44158153 VISA credit PLATINUM
44157841 VISA debit GOLD
44157801 VISA debit GOLD
44158171 VISA credit GOLD
44157925 VISA debit GOLD
44157892 VISA debit GOLD
44158147 VISA credit GOLD
44157809 VISA debit GOLD
44157852 VISA debit GOLD
44157864 VISA debit GOLD
44157838 VISA debit GOLD
44158143 VISA credit GOLD
44157812 VISA debit GOLD
44157872 VISA debit GOLD
44157929 VISA debit GOLD
44157829 VISA debit GOLD
44158154 VISA credit PLATINUM
44157886 VISA debit GOLD
44158169 VISA credit GOLD
44157874 VISA debit GOLD
44157863 VISA debit GOLD
44157839 VISA debit GOLD
44157889 VISA debit GOLD
44157831 VISA debit GOLD
44157849 VISA debit GOLD
44158144 VISA credit GOLD
44157940 VISA credit BUSINESS
44157811 VISA debit GOLD
44157928 VISA debit GOLD
44158167 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
44157885 VISA debit GOLD
44157890 VISA debit GOLD
44157938 VISA debit GOLD
44158149 VISA credit PLATINUM
44157851 VISA debit GOLD
44157888 VISA debit GOLD
44158166 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
44157876 VISA debit GOLD
44157937 VISA debit GOLD
44158148 VISA credit GOLD
44157926 VISA debit GOLD
44157914 VISA credit GOLD
44157866 VISA debit GOLD
44157814 VISA debit GOLD
44157873 VISA debit GOLD
44157827 VISA debit GOLD

600 more IIN / BIN ...

Malaysian ringgit (MYR) 🡒 Banco Popular Y De Desarrollo Comunal : Countries

Malaysia (158 BINs)

Malaysian ringgit (MYR) 🡒 Banco Popular Y De Desarrollo Comunal : List of BINs from Banks

Malaysian ringgit (MYR) 🡒 Banco Popular Y De Desarrollo Comunal : Card Networks

VISA (158 BINs found)

Malaysian ringgit (MYR) 🡒 Banco Popular Y De Desarrollo Comunal : Card Types

debit (119 BINs found) credit (39 BINs found)

Malaysian ringgit (MYR) 🡒 Banco Popular Y De Desarrollo Comunal : Card Brands

gold (134 BINs found) platinum (12 BINs found) traditional (6 BINs found) infinite (3 BINs found)
signature (2 BINs found) business (1 BINs found)