Comorian franc (KMF) BIN List

Table of Contents

Comorian franc (KMF) : IIN / BIN List

BIN Network Company Card Type Card Level
49910134 VISA credit GOLD
49910108 VISA credit GOLD
49910138 VISA credit GOLD
49910126 VISA credit GOLD
49910178 VISA credit GOLD
49910151 VISA credit GOLD
49910163 VISA credit GOLD
49910177 VISA credit GOLD
49910135 VISA credit GOLD
49910127 VISA credit GOLD
408467 VISA credit GOLD
49910137 VISA credit GOLD
49910150 VISA credit GOLD
49910124 VISA credit GOLD
49910189 VISA credit GOLD
49910149 VISA credit GOLD
49910197 VISA credit GOLD
49910161 VISA credit GOLD
49910162 VISA credit GOLD
49910139 VISA credit GOLD
49910112 VISA credit GOLD
49910136 VISA credit GOLD
49910188 VISA credit GOLD
49910148 VISA credit GOLD
49910125 VISA credit GOLD
49910105 VISA credit GOLD
49910153 VISA credit GOLD
49910141 VISA credit GOLD
49910113 VISA credit GOLD
49910101 VISA credit GOLD
49910196 VISA credit GOLD
49910191 VISA credit GOLD
408469 VISA debit ELECTRON
49910190 VISA credit GOLD
49910106 VISA credit GOLD
49910140 VISA credit GOLD
49910147 VISA credit GOLD
49910195 VISA credit GOLD
49910154 VISA credit GOLD
49910114 VISA credit GOLD
49910176 VISA credit GOLD
49910186 VISA credit GOLD
49910146 VISA credit GOLD
49910107 VISA credit GOLD
49910182 VISA credit GOLD
49910155 VISA credit GOLD
49910174 VISA credit GOLD
49910143 VISA credit GOLD
49910183 VISA credit GOLD
49910175 VISA credit GOLD
49910128 VISA credit GOLD
49910185 VISA credit GOLD
49910145 VISA credit GOLD
408466 VISA credit TRADITIONAL
49910142 VISA credit GOLD
49910156 VISA credit GOLD
49910144 VISA credit GOLD
49910116 VISA credit GOLD
49910104 VISA credit GOLD
49910199 VISA credit GOLD
49910160 VISA credit GOLD
49910187 VISA credit GOLD
49910172 VISA credit GOLD
49910117 VISA credit GOLD
49910157 VISA credit GOLD
49910198 VISA credit GOLD
49910184 VISA credit GOLD

498 more IIN / BIN ...

Comorian franc (KMF) : Countries

Comoros (108 BINs)

Comorian franc (KMF) : List of BINs from Banks

Synergy One F.c.u. (99 BINs found) Exim Bank Comoros (3 BINs found) CSCBANK S.A.L. (1 BINs found) Cscbank S.a.l. (1 BINs found)

Comorian franc (KMF) : Card Networks

VISA (105 BINs found) MASTERCARD (3 BINs found)

Comorian franc (KMF) : Card Types

credit (103 BINs found) debit (5 BINs found)

Comorian franc (KMF) : Card Brands

gold (100 BINs found) traditional (4 BINs found) electron (1 BINs found) standard (1 BINs found)
standard prepaid (1 BINs found) titanium (1 BINs found)