2. Typical BIN Numbers - British pound (GBP)
3. Countries - British pound (GBP)
4. All Banks - British pound (GBP)
5. Card Networks - British pound (GBP)
810 more IIN / BIN ...
United Kingdom (20380 BINs) | Jersey (2 BINs) |
MASTERCARD (11806 BINs found) | VISA (7591 BINs found) | AMEX (553 BINs found) | PHH FUEL CARD (198 BINs found) |
SOLO (115 BINs found) | DISCOVER (48 BINs found) | UK FUEL CARD (30 BINs found) | CHJONES FUEL CARD (18 BINs found) |
RED FUEL CARD (12 BINs found) | MAESTRO (6 BINs found) | GIFT (2 BINs found) | LASER (1 BINs found) |
LOYALTY (1 BINs found) | PRIVATE LABEL CARD (1 BINs found) |
standard prepaid (3405 BINs found) | traditional (3391 BINs found) | standard (2020 BINs found) | mbs (1425 BINs found) |
credit business prepaid (1170 BINs found) | platinum (1122 BINs found) | corporate (940 BINs found) | gold (882 BINs found) |
business (753 BINs found) | unembossed prepaid student (663 BINs found) | american express (553 BINs found) | atm only (436 BINs found) |
infinite (360 BINs found) | maestro (342 BINs found) | debit (338 BINs found) | prepaid (328 BINs found) |
platinium (306 BINs found) | prepaid platinum (206 BINs found) | new world (190 BINs found) | commercial debit (187 BINs found) |
prepaid maestro other (186 BINs found) | cirrus (173 BINs found) | credit (141 BINs found) | world debit embossed (115 BINs found) |
null (112 BINs found) | electron (102 BINs found) | classic (93 BINs found) | fleet (84 BINs found) |
purchasing (69 BINs found) | world (66 BINs found) | standard deferred (45 BINs found) | gold premium (37 BINs found) |
debit gold (22 BINs found) | world embossed (17 BINs found) | business premium debit (13 BINs found) | rewards only (13 BINs found) |
b2b virtual payments (9 BINs found) | debit other 2 embossed (9 BINs found) | premier (9 BINs found) | debit platinum (6 BINs found) |
corporate business prepaid (5 BINs found) | debit business (4 BINs found) | v pay (4 BINs found) | commercial corp (3 BINs found) |
atm (2 BINs found) | corporate t e (2 BINs found) | debit business prepaid workplace business to business (2 BINs found) | gift (2 BINs found) |
pin only w o ebt (2 BINs found) | preferred business (2 BINs found) | prepaid debit payroll (2 BINs found) | proprietary (2 BINs found) |
titanium (2 BINs found) | travel money (2 BINs found) | world card (2 BINs found) | corporate t (1 BINs found) |
debit unembossed non u s (1 BINs found) | hsa non substantiated (1 BINs found) | prepaid debit gift (1 BINs found) | prepaid public sector commercial (1 BINs found) |
visa plus (1 BINs found) |
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