Table of Contents

Euro (EUR) 🡒 PREMIER : IIN / BIN List

BIN Network Company Card Type Card Level
426302 VISA credit PREMIER
491214 VISA credit PREMIER
479703 VISA credit PREMIER
465996 VISA credit PREMIER
412554 VISA credit PREMIER
422869 VISA credit PREMIER
400874 VISA credit PREMIER
497099 VISA credit PREMIER
453989 VISA credit PREMIER
491865 VISA credit PREMIER
413420 VISA credit PREMIER
455021 VISA credit PREMIER
429073 VISA credit PREMIER
492038 VISA credit PREMIER
416062 VISA credit PREMIER
406417 VISA credit PREMIER
476039 VISA credit PREMIER
432128 VISA credit PREMIER
432126 VISA credit PREMIER
424324 VISA credit PREMIER
496678 VISA credit PREMIER
492208 VISA credit PREMIER
453292 VISA credit PREMIER
427855 VISA credit PREMIER
412911 VISA credit PREMIER
490164 VISA credit PREMIER
405906 VISA credit PREMIER
457063 VISA credit PREMIER
492086 VISA credit PREMIER
430578 VISA credit PREMIER
492066 VISA credit PREMIER
456171 VISA credit PREMIER
440787 VISA credit PREMIER
496658 VISA credit PREMIER
449368 VISA credit PREMIER
422885 VISA credit PREMIER
493545 VISA credit PREMIER
474345 VISA credit PREMIER
434305 VISA credit PREMIER
409842 VISA credit PREMIER
497259 VISA credit PREMIER
479268 VISA credit PREMIER
453977 VISA credit PREMIER
492056 VISA credit PREMIER
444990 VISA credit PREMIER
492076 VISA credit PREMIER
456374 VISA credit PREMIER
428140 VISA credit PREMIER
415472 VISA credit PREMIER
456150 VISA credit PREMIER
428087 VISA credit PREMIER
491775 VISA credit PREMIER
491833 VISA credit PREMIER
492194 VISA credit PREMIER
497960 VISA credit PREMIER
440708 VISA credit PREMIER

492 more IIN / BIN ...

Euro (EUR) 🡒 PREMIER : Countries

Spain (24 BINs) Portugal (7 BINs) Finland (5 BINs) France (5 BINs)
Germany (5 BINs) Italy (3 BINs) Greece (2 BINs) Andorra (1 BINs)
Belgium (1 BINs) Latvia (1 BINs) Malta (1 BINs) The Netherlands (1 BINs)

Euro (EUR) 🡒 PREMIER : List of BINs from Banks

Banco Popular Espanol, S.a. (5 BINs found) Dz Bank Ag (5 BINs found) Banco Cooperativo Espanol, S.a. (4 BINs found) Banco De La Pequena Y Mediana Empresa (bankpyme) (2 BINs found)
Caja Ahorros Gerona (2 BINs found) Sistema 4b, S.a. (2 BINs found) Societe Generale, S.a. (2 BINs found) B@nca 24-7 S.p.a. (1 BINs found)
BANCO COOPERATIVO ESPANOL, S.A. (1 BINs found) Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria S.a. (bbva) (1 BINs found) Banco Comercial Portugues, S.a. (1 BINs found) Banco Guipuzcoano, S.a. (1 BINs found)
Banco Internacional Do Funchal S.a. (banif) (1 BINs found) Banco Popular Portugal, S.a. (1 BINs found) Banco Portugues De Negocios, S.a. (1 BINs found) Bank Of Aaland Ltd. (aalandsbanken Ab) (1 BINs found)
Bank Of Valletta P.l.c (1 BINs found) Bankia (1 BINs found) Caixa D'estalvis Unio De Caixes De Manlleu, Sabadell Y Terra (1 BINs found) Caixa Economica Montepio Geral (1 BINs found)
Caja De Ahorros De La Rioja (caja Rioja) (1 BINs found) Caja De Ahorros Layetana (caixa Laietana) (1 BINs found) Caja De Ahorros Y Monte Piedad De Segovia (caja Segovia) (1 BINs found) Caja Insular De Ahorros De Canarias (la Caja De Canarias) (1 BINs found)
Citibank (1 BINs found) Credit Andorra (1 BINs found) Credit Industriel Et Commercial (1 BINs found) Credit Lyonnais (1 BINs found)
Deutsche Bank S.p.a. (1 BINs found) Finecobank S.p.a. (1 BINs found) Finibanco, S.a. (1 BINs found) Ge Money Bank, A.s. (1 BINs found)
Handelsbanken - Finland (1 BINs found) La Poste (1 BINs found) Marfin Egnatia Bank, S.a. (1 BINs found) National Bank Of Greece, S.a. (1 BINs found)
Paysquare B.v. (1 BINs found) Pohjola Bank Plc (1 BINs found) Sampo Pankki Oyj (1 BINs found) Servired, Sociedad Espanola De Medios De Pago, S.a. (1 BINs found)
Tapiola Pankki Oy (1 BINs found)

Euro (EUR) 🡒 PREMIER : Card Networks

VISA (56 BINs found)

Euro (EUR) 🡒 PREMIER : Card Types

credit (56 BINs found)

Euro (EUR) 🡒 PREMIER : Card Brands

premier (56 BINs found)