2. Khas BIN Nomer - Barbadian dollar (BBD)
3. Negara - Barbadian dollar (BBD)
4. Kabeh Bank - Barbadian dollar (BBD)
5. Jaringan Kartu - Barbadian dollar (BBD)
840 liyane Iin / BIN ...
Barbados (200 BINs) |
Firstcaribbean International Bank (barbados), Ltd. (18 BINs ketemu) | Bank Of Nova Scotia (9 BINs ketemu) | Barbados National Bank (8 BINs ketemu) | Butterfield Bank (barbados), Ltd. (7 BINs ketemu) |
Mutual Bank Of The Caribbean, Inc. (7 BINs ketemu) | Royal Bank Of Canada (7 BINs ketemu) | Barclays Bank Plc (5 BINs ketemu) | Rbtt Bank Barbados, Ltd. (3 BINs ketemu) |
Caribbean Commercial Bank, Ltd. (2 BINs ketemu) | Certegy Card Services Caribbean, Ltd. (2 BINs ketemu) | Cibc Caribbean, Ltd. (2 BINs ketemu) | RBTT BANK BARBADOS, LTD. (2 BINs ketemu) |
AMARILLO F.C.U. (1 BINs ketemu) | Anz Singapore (1 BINs ketemu) | BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA (1 BINs ketemu) | BUTTERFIELD BANK (BARBADOS), LTD. (1 BINs ketemu) |
Canadian Imperial Bank Of Commerce (1 BINs ketemu) | Firstcaribbean International Bank (bahamas), Ltd. (1 BINs ketemu) | Metabank (1 BINs ketemu) | Scotiabank (barbados), Ltd. (1 BINs ketemu) |
Toronto-dominion Bank (1 BINs ketemu) | Wells Fargo Bank, N.a. (1 BINs ketemu) |
VISA (168 BINs ketemu) | MASTERCARD (32 BINs ketemu) |
traditional (83 BINs ketemu) | gold (42 BINs ketemu) | standard (32 BINs ketemu) | business (14 BINs ketemu) |
platinum (12 BINs ketemu) | black (2 BINs ketemu) | classic (2 BINs ketemu) | electron (2 BINs ketemu) |
infinite (2 BINs ketemu) | standard prepaid (2 BINs ketemu) | commercial business (1 BINs ketemu) | debit (1 BINs ketemu) |
debit platinum (1 BINs ketemu) | platinium (1 BINs ketemu) | premier (1 BINs ketemu) | prepaid debit consumer incentive (1 BINs ketemu) |
unembossed prepaid student (1 BINs ketemu) |
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